For the first time, this year Jamie joined in the annual #songtember challenge, which was started a few years ago by much loved YouTuber and Garageband guru, Pete Johns of Studio Live Today. and is also championed by Jade Starr of How To App On iOS. The #songtember challenge is not a competition, it is just about motivating musicians of all abilities and musical styles to stop pissypanting about and just get on with it – can you write, record and release a song in one month. Jamie joined in with the challenge and made videos and livestreams charting his progress and helping others along the way. The song was written, recorded and produced by Jamie but mastered by Jade Starr who also helped Jamie create the AI artwork using Midjourney. The song, which is available on all streaming platforms, is about bullying and prejudice. Whilst it is primarily about not letting the bullies win, it will hopefully help to raise awareness that this is still a serious problem we all need to take seriously. Do you look the other way, or make a stand?
29.09.22. New Single Available To Stream